Searching, Browsing and Tagging

BigCloud gives you a number of convenient ways to locate files within an archive. Directly beneath the tabs on the right side of the screen is a text field you can use to enter a search query. You can also filter the results by selecting one or more items in the tree on the left, which shows you folders that you have imported, web sites you have imported from, addresses you have received mail from, years, months and days on which files were created, and tags you have assigned to files in the archive. You can right click on any folder in the tree to pull up a history of that folder - this allows you to browse folders as they appeared on your computer, and you can select a version of that folder to export it, including all subfolders.

The dropdown at the top center of the screen describes the current query and filters, and allows you to quickly return to the results of a previous query. The back and forward buttons at the top left allow you to easily navigate back to previous views, and the home button takes you back to the default list view of everything in the archive.  The refresh button triggers an update from backup, as well as folder auto-imports and exports, and the backup button starts a backup, if one is needed.

In the center of the screen you see the results of the search in a list (or everything in the archive if you have no search query or filters selected). You can sort the list by the date files were imported into the archive, by the date the files were originally created, or by relevance if you have typed in a search query. You can select one or more items in the list and export them to your computer using the "Export Files" command, add or remove tags from them using the tag area to the right, copy or cut them to paste into a different archive, or if they are images rotate them using  CTRL-L or CTRL-R keys for left and right, respectively (Apple-L and Apple-R on macs). You may also remove selected items from the archive using Delete from the Edit menu. Right clicking on an item allows you to pull up the history of the file or URL it was imported from. You can double click on any item or hit Enter on a selected item to view it in detail. You may also use the Items and Details buttons at the top to switch between List and Detail view. In detail view you may tag the displayed item, or use playlist controls to play or pause a slideshow (ctrl-spacebar), or move to the next or previous items in the list (arrow keys).